The School of Life

Games for Grown-Ups

The School of Life

38,95 $


40 activities to draw us away from static conversation and cast aside reserve to get in touch with the neglected imaginative aspects of ourselves. We are used to thinking of good conversation as the glue that holds friendships together, but we shouldn’t forget the immense value of playing games, with some of the same spirit of fun and adventure that we once deployed when we were children.

Here is a pack of forty activities to draw us away from static conversation. Among other things, we will build a fort together, dance in surprising ways, deliver funeral orations, practise our acting skills, and play some entertaining (but kindly) pranks. The games are an invitation to cast aside reserve and get in touch with neglected imaginative aspects of ourselves. They are a reminder that friendship doesn’t only require talking; it thrives just as much on the light-hearted but significant business of playing together.

40 cards | 134 x 96 x 23mm | 2+ players

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